TOURISMRESULTS can build on over 25 years experience in private sector and tourism development in Africa, Asia and Southeastern Europe. This is a selection of tourism development and evaluation projects conducted over the past 10 years.
Fiji 2019
Tourism Multiplier Study to measure local tourism impact
- Design of a research plan and data collection tools for tourism enterprises, suppliers and tourists
- Field work to collect business, employment and income data in various island destinations
- Calculation of various performance ratios at primary level and income and employment multipliers at secondary level
Clients and Partners: Market Development Facility (MDF Fiji), implemented by Palladium International, on behalf of the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Lesotho 2019
Developing a Training Model addressing the skills shortage in the Lesotho Tourism and Hospitality Sector
- Situational analysis of the tourism & hospitality training facilities in Lesotho;
- Training needs assessment in the tourism & hospitality sector;
- Consultations with the Ministry of Tourism, Environment and Culture (MTEC), Lesotho Tourism Development Corporation (LTDC), tourism and hospitality operators, training institutions confirming the functions of the proposed training institution.
Clients and Partners: SFERE France, on behalf of the Ministry of Tourism, Environment and Culture (MTEC), Maseru, Lesotho, and the African Development Bank.
Indonesia 2019
Preparing a Master plan for Ecotourism Development at Bukit Tigapuluh National Park as part of Forest Programme II “Development of Biodiversity Conservation & Integrated Watershed Management”
- Analyze government policies and plans associated with ecotourism development and wildlife management
- Assessment of the potential for ecotourism development in the Bukit Tigapuluh landscape
- Identify existing local stakeholders in ecotourism activities, attractions, potential sites and activities in Jambi Province, Sumatra
Clients and Partners: AHT Group Germany, on behalf of Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KFW), Germany
Malawi 2018
Recommendations for the Malawi Tourism Council (MTC) to be a sustainable tourism private sector representative organization:
- Identification of priority policy areas for MTC lobbying;
- Advice on services / benefits for MTC member companies;
- Keynote Presentation at the 2018 National Tourism Conference, Salima, Malawi.
Clients and Partners: Particip GmbH, on behalf of GIZ MIERA (More Income and Employment in Rural Areas) Programme, Lilongwe, Malawi
Namibia 2017-2018
Independent Evaluation of the Millennium Challenge Corporation‘s (MCC) Namibia Tourism Project:
- Led the design and implementation of the evaluation including quantitative and qualitative data collection, impact assessment and cost-benefit analysis;
- Conducted interviews with management, staff and community beneficiaries of the Etosha National Park to assess support activities aimed at policy reforms and infrastructure development.
Southern Africa 2016
Presentation of survey results on regional cross-border tourism to the 7th Meeting of SADC Tourism Ministers (Gaborone): “Is Southern Africa ready for Regional Cross-border Tourism?“
- Assessment of comparative strengths and weaknesses of SADC member states;
- Identification of tourism policy reform requirements in SADC states.
Clients and Partners: Regional Tourism Organisation of Southern Africa (RETOSA)
Myanmar 2015
Project Management of tourism development activities in the Shan State:
- Destination management in four tourism destinations featuring natural and cultural heritage sites;
- Tourism product and value chain development at Inle Lake;
- Skills development in multi-stakeholder dialogues in tourism.
Clients and Partners: PEM Consult and GIZ, Yangon and Taunggyi
Southern Africa 2015
Study on Opportunities and Constraints of Regional Cross-border Tourism in the Southern African Development Community (SADC):
- Secondary data research on cross-border tourism in SADC (arrival statistics, tourism-related policies and regulations)
- Primary data research (interviews and online survey) among tourism stakeholders (tour operators, tour guides, etc) regarding the barriers and constraints for increased regional tourism within the SADC region
- Field research in cross-border tourist destinations in Namibia, Mozambique, South Africa, Malawi and Mozambique
- Status and prospects of Transfrontier Conservation Areas (TFCAs) in Southern Africa
- Proposal for regional cooperation in tourism among SADC member states, highlighting the potentials of cross-border tourism
- Formulation of possible donor interventions facilitating cross-border tourism in SADC member states
Clients and Partners: Fair Trade Tourism, Pretoria
Greece 2014:
Destination management advice to the Lefkada Tourism Office and the Lefkada Hotel Association:
- Awareness creation among public and private tourism stakeholders on destination competitiveness and the need for an inclusive multi-stakeholder dialogue in the destination
Clients and Partners: Lefkada Tourism Office, Lefkada Hotel Association, and Lefkada Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Indonesia 2013-2014:
Baseline study on the economic and environmental impacts of the tourism sector in the destination of Lombok:
- Design/adaptation of methodology to measure the costs and benefits of tourism in the island destination of Lombok
- Training of enumerators from the tourist information office and local tour guides
- Supervised empirical data collection from visitors, tourism enterprises and residents of local communities
Clients and Partners: GIZ Indonesia and Ministry of Tourism
Vietnam 2013:
Mid-term Review of the EU-funded Environmentally and Socially Responsible Tourism (ESRT) Capacity Development Programme:
- Assessment of the implementation status at half-time of the 5-year technical assistance program, incl. policy & operational support, tourism value chain & destination development, tourism occupational skills, tourist information centres, homestay tourism
- Assessment of the relevance, effectiveness and efficiency of ESRT activities in tourism policy reform, competitiveness of tourism products, community-based tourism, vocational training in the tourism / hospitality industry
- Formulation of recommendations for the ESRT programme period 2013-15 strengthening tourism destination management
Clients and Partners: EU Delegation Hanoi and Ministry of CST
Philippines 2013:
Study project on Tourism and its contribution to an Inclusive Green Economy – comparative research of the economic, social and ecological costs and benefits of the tourism sector (beach, dive tourism, ecotourism, MICE, etc) value chains in the destinations of Cebu and Bohol:
- Formulation of tourism impact indicators and parameters; technical implementation of quantitative survey instruments using tablet PCs;
- Training and supervision of two teams of field interviewers in the tourism destinations of Cebu and Bohol;
- Tourism enterprise survey: interviews with the managers of 60 hotels, resorts, restaurants, tour and transport operators, and dive centres, measuring business performance, employment and environmental impact on their destinations;
- Visitor exit survey (at airports & seaports): measuring expenditures of 1000 tourists, the services used along the tourism value chain, and their ecological footprint;
- Staff survey: measuring incomes, working conditions, social benefits and gender aspects of about 200 tourism employees;
- Local resident survey: interviews with 200 community members, measuring business linkages with the tourism sector, socio-cultural changes in the community.
Clients and Partners: GIZ Sector Project ‘Tourism and Sustainable Development’
Philippines 2012:
Training of Facilitators: „Sustainable Tourism Development in the Visayas – Destinations, Markets and Value Chains“ in cooperation with the Department of Tourism (DOT) and the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI):
- Development of the training concept and design based on the GIZ Value Links Methodolgy
- Analysis of destinations, market segments, tourism value chains and enterprises
- Strategy development for viable tourism products, competitive tourism clusters and sustainable destinations
- Capacity development for environmentally and socially responsible tourism, i.e. greening“ the tourism sector for climate change mitigation and adaptation
Superregional 2012:
Knowledge Management for the Private Sector Promotion Program in the Philippines – Documentation of 2 KM products:
- „Mobile Data Collection and Geo-Mapping for Private Sector Development – An innovative approach and its potentials in development cooperation“
- „Tourism Value Chain Promotion and Sustainable Destination Development in Bohol Philippines“ – Experience gained in 2010-2011
Clients and Partners: GIZ Private Sector Promotion (PSP) Programme
Lower Danube, South-Eastern Europe 2012:
Mid-term Evaluation of the Regional Project for the Promotion of Cross-border Tourism in the Middle & Lower Danube Region, i.e. support of a Danube Competence Center (DCC) in cooperation with National Tourism Organization of Serbia:
- Evaluation of regional tourism policy, destination development and marketing in 6 Danube riparian states: Serbia, Croatia, Bulgaria, Romania, Moldova and Ukraine
- Assessment of advisory and support services provided by the Danube Competence Center to national governments, local & regional destinations, tourism organizations, municipalities, visitor information centres, hospitality enterprises and tourism associations working along the value chain
- Assessment of activities for the protection and sustainable use of biodiversity resources in tourism development.
- Formulation of a project proposal for a 2nd phase to the Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Clients and Partners: GIZ, Danube Competence Center (DCC)
Philippines / Malaysia 2011:
Research of CSR strategies to develop small, medium and micro enterprises (SMMEs), presented at the Asian Forum on Corporate Social Responsibility (AFCSR), Kuala Lumpur.
Clients and Partners: Asian Institute of Management and GIZ
Philippines 2011:
Developed new tourism quality standards, accreditation and certification system for the national Department of Tourism:
- comparative research on international tourism standards;
- nationwide consultations with 500 enterprises in 8 destinations;
- drafting of final standards (incl social and environmental criteria) as well as an implementation mechanism for certification/accreditation.
Clients and Partners: GIZ and Department of Tourism (DOT)
Philippines 2010-2011
Enhancing tourism competitiveness in five (5) Philippine provinces by promoting the upgrading of tourism value chains and their suppliers, using value chain and destination analysis informed by a tourist satisfaction survey
- Assisted the implementation partners, i.e the Department of Trade and Industry and the Department of Tourism in policy reforms and (gender-sensitive) value chain development
- Innovated baseline surveys and tourism enterprise profiling by using tablet computers for mobile data collection and monitoring (ODK Collect)
- Created tourist information through geo-tagging of attractions, tourism enterprises and SME suppliers for Google Earth mapping and the identification of industry clusters.
- Presentation of results to tourism industry stakeholders, value chain analysis and design of upgrading strategy.
Clients and Partners: GIZ Private Sector Promotion (PSP) Programme, Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), Provincial Government of Bohol